Radical Recovery

Radical Recovery is a Christ-Centered group with a focus on freedom from addiction and embracing our true identity in Christ.

Pain to Purpose

Pain is without a doubt a part of every life. Many philosophers, religions, and atheists have struggled to understand and accurately appropriate the ‘problem of pain’. God assures us that pain has a purpose. This group looks to tackle the issue biblically.

Angel Fire

You will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.
John 8:32

Deliverance is about tearing down strongholds. And strongholds are built upon a foundation of lies. Angel Fire equips believers to be ‘wise to the lies’ and embrace the truth with their whole heart.

Remnant Men

The Remnant Men is a group for men with a burning desire to be all we were created for, purposed into, and destined to become.
Join us as we seek God through the Holy Spirit, learn what God’s intention is for the Men of God in the church and discipleship.

Many are called, few are chosen. 

Warrior Bride

We are a Presence-based community of women seeking to know and love God with our whole heart.

As wise virgins we gather for worship, prayer, and study of God’s word; to laugh, cry, and encourage each other in the faith as we prepare for the return of our Bridegroom King, Christ Jesus.

Youth Outreach

“’In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.

We are committed to empower our youth with all of the weapons necessary to be victorious in these last days. To bring the Gospel of the Kingdom to our communities, and to the nations.